Everything is connected -
value nature and you value yourself
What is Movement Medicine?
Movement Medicine is art for the heart; an expression of emotion and experience through dance
By bringing awareness to the way you move, feel and think, Movement Medicine enables you to access more of your physical and emotional intelligence, leading to personal empowerment in the context of community
The combination of ancient Shamanic wisdom with modern psychotherapy offers everybody, whatever their condition, background or experience, the opportunity to know themselves more fully, to heal, to let go and to live a more creative and fulfilling life
Created by Ya’Acov and Susannah Darling Khan, Movement Medicine provides the tools to grow consciousness on an individual level, enabling you to relate with greater authenticity and awareness in your life, with the belief and hope that this will filter out into the wider world for the good of all that is, easing the split between spirit and matter
There are no set steps and you dance however you feel to at the time, following the innate intelligence of your own body, with occasional guidance over the microphone
I offer 1-2-1 and group sessions in the UK & Ibiza, as well as online
The teachings of Movement Medicine are contained within the mandala, which is a map of transformation and a representation of the Tree of Life
At the centre is the Phoenix, signifying life, death, rebirth and the Great Mystery. Surrounding the Phoenix are the two polarities of life - Yin and Yang. The circle is held by the Elements in the four directions. The five large circles below represent the roots of the tree and the 5 dimensions of awareness - Self, Other, Community, the Spirit World and the Divine. The nine smaller circles above symbolise the branches of the tree and the nine gateways, divided into three groups of three - The Journey of Empowerment: Body, Heart and Mind, The Journey of Responsibility: Past, Present and Future, and The Journey of Manifestation: Fulfilment, Interconnection and Realisation
The Core Teachings:
Tree of Life
The Tree of Life is an ancient sacred symbol representing the connection between Earth and Sky. As dancers, we use the Tree of Life to ground down into our roots, bringing awareness to our bodies and deepening our connection with the Earth. Moving the trunk of our bodies fosters strength and power in our centre, which enables our branches to grow, empowering us to reach for our dreams
Yin & Yang
Yin represents the receptive, feminine energies and teaches us how to move with acceptance, following the flow of what is. Yang represents the active, masculine energies and encourages us to initiate structure and manifest what we want. Everything emerges from these two polarities. Finding the natural cycle between them, and bringing them together in a dancing fusion of Yeung, helps us to expand, become and connect with all of life
We dance the energies of the five elements - Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether - to further know ourselves and the world in which we live
Earth, a constant source of nourishment and support, helps us to find our ground. Whether it’s a new bud emerging from the Spring soil or a range of snow-capped mountains, we learn to keep moving, to keep growing, despite, and because of, what’s going on in our lives
Fire can be raging, roaring, ferocious and fierce, and it can be the steady glow of dying embers. It connects us to our heart, our desires, and we dance both the destructive and creative forces at work in life
Water encourages us to let go, to flow, to adapt and change. Like standing beneath the trickle of a cool waterfall, or diving into a vast ocean, we purify and heal ourselves, releasing what’s needed in order to move forward with more clarity and purpose
Air brings us back to our breath, and teaches us how to move with freedom and lightness, whether it’s a turbulent tornado or a soothing Summer’s breeze
And at the centre of it all is Ether - the all-one, the everything, the nothing - connecting us to love, Source and the Divine
The M.E.S.A is a medicine system, or map, that stands for Movement Energetics of Spatial Awareness. It provides us with an opportunity to become more present, to explore our relationship with self, others and the world around us, to experiment safely with expansion and contraction, and to tap into the unseen energies both within and outside of ourselves. There are 5 levels. Micro is the internal dance; the dance inside our bodies of small, subtle movements and perceptions. Medio invites us to explore the physicality of our bodies; the bones, muscles, joints and the immediate space around us; our energetic bubble. Macro is the expanded awareness of what’s around; other people, the space, the land. And together, these three levels give us access to the multi-dimensional possibilities of Meta and the essence of Mystica
Awakening The Dancer
The most simple and profound of the teachings, Awakening The Dancer combines all the aspects of the Movement Medicine Mandala without doing so explicitly. Every time we step onto the dance floor, we awaken our dancer by bringing awareness to the different parts of our body, moving with and through our emotions, exploring how we are within and in relation to others, following the flow and/or actively creating, healing our past, dreaming our future, engaging our fire, our Earth and strengthening our centre. This is the dance. This is the medicine