Harmonic Mixing
Some very basic knowledge about keys and harmonies can really take your DJing to the next level, and encourage deeper healing in your clients.
Every track has a key - the main musical note that the tune keeps coming back to:
Iszabel explains the basics of keys in music
There are 12 Major keys and 12 Minor keys.
Luckily, you don’t need any musical training to get to grips with keys:
An introduction to the Camelot Wheel
Here’s how you can get the key information in Traktor:
Key display in Traktor
Some keys sound good together - consonance - whilst others sound horrible together - dissonance.
The Camelot Wheel (in rainbow colours, which I love!) helps you work with the keys of tracks:
The Camelot Wheel
Knowing what keys work well in the mix is something you can easily learn, and pick up organically with practice.
And once you know the rules, you'll know how to break them, which I think is all-important in DJing, and especially in healing modalities:
Know the rules to break them
I often play with keys to supercharge my medicine:
How to play with harmonics
If you're ready to find out more about how keys can be applied to your work, and demystify this Camelot Wheel, let's jump on a call to chat about it - you can book a time with me here:
Big rainbow love